
Communication between students 
(etwinning Project 2016-2017) ENGLISH 
(amb alumnes d´anglès de 2nESO) 

Edat dels alumnes: 12-14 anys 

Informació del projecte:
1. Students send emails to each other to introduce themselves.
2. Students share PowerPoint presentations with information about their home town and school.

Students will make friends from other countries. They will learn about different places around Europe and learn to use English as the language of communication. Students will also use their IT skills to send emails, create power-points and video editing.

Procés de treball:
Students will first make concact by sending emails to introduce themselves. Then they will send powerpoint presentations about their home-town and their school.
They can choose to create a video instead of a powerpoint.

Resultats esperats:
We will put the power point presentations and videos on a public Twinspace and also share them on our school’s virtual learning environment.